Is Rubik Cube Make our Mind intelligent? - Mind Blowing Lab

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Is Rubik Cube Make our Mind intelligent?

Is Rubik Cube Make our Mind intelligent?

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Get a Rubik cube because it is a really good exercise of brain and build intelligence challenging and putting your brain in stress make your mind intelligent because when you are playing this game it will give your mind some stress then no i have to do it tthan you will able to do it complete we have make all boxes side of there colour first we have to unlabel them then we have to correct them again and this make your mind more sharp but i think you know about Albert Einstein he was world best intelligent man he got his record of the world but he has used just his 1 % percent of his mind so you can think we can have so much intelligent mind i give you one example:if we shop our pencil the pencil will be end anytime because of shopping but the mind is thw thing that if we used our ming it will grow not end everything had to end in the world but our mind cannot be end in the world our mind will start growing not ending what do you thing our mind make us intelligent yes it make but your decision also make your mind intelligent .

How to make your mind intelligent

Your mind can be intelligent by thinking anything in deep thinking.

What is deep thinking ?

Deep thinking is whenever you saw anything for example you saw a paper you have to start thinking what is paper from where deos it make what is uses of paper in our life in your mind think for example now i am telling you this first i also think what should i write that the thing we have to do for our mind than your mind can be at good level of thinking you can think about anything drama,tv,tissue paper,etc this will make your mind sharp and more than sharp 


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